
It’s 8:00am and it’s hot. Damn it is hot

I’m clad head to toes in pants and sleeves

leather shoes and black coffee

it’s just 8:00am and I’m already running tree to tree

the train is late and I’m searching for shade

as a crackling voice announces delay

I curse and grimace while cars speed past. Hot damn!

I wish I’d brought my water flask


I get to the office and find reprieve

I send, receive, sometimes read, but generally delete

in an airconditioned room we talk with heat about climate change

we agree, we argue, and sometimes…

sometimes we disappoint.


At lunch I step out and see a mirage

people on the beach, living an infinite summer

but to me it’s just a dumping ground

of Gucci-bag-lobsters and meat-fed-mobsters

Their limbs stretching out like lazy house cats

Now sizzled under a scorching sun

I run over and one by one I pull heads out of sand

Like a mortician chef, each carcass separates from the skin

All is left in my hands is ivory bones and pearly white teeth


Some say blame it on the cycles

Some say blame it on the government

Some say it’s always been this way

Some say they love a sun burnt country


I say

Hop in your muscle car

Crank the AC

Pump your favourite track on the way home

Go to the morning vigil

Put on your rose coloured glasses


Have a fucking a pool party, take selfies, whilst your country’s aflame